Minor Cold: January 5, 2025, to January 19, 2025
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Lauraceae Essential Oil
Most are aromatic trees or shrubs; the exception is the genus Parasitaxus, which is a twining parasitic herb. Typically possess oil cells.
Morphological Features:
Leaves are generally leathery, often alternate or opposite, rarely with lobed margins; pinnate or trifoliate venation, with fine reticulate veins.
Flowers: Small, yellow, or pale green. Bisexual or unisexual. Radially symmetrical. Arranged in axillary cones, panicles, umbels, or clusters. Sepals form a calyx tube at the base, usually in 3 whorls (sometimes 2-3 whorls). Stamens numbering 9-12, arranged in 3-4 whorls; third whorl of stamens often with glandular filaments; anthers 2-4-celled, dehiscing by splitting. Superior ovary with 1 chamber containing 1 ovule; single style with a disc-like stigma.
Fruit: Either a drupe or a berry. Fruit stalk cylindrical.
Seeds lack endosperm; cotyledons fleshy and conspicuous.
Approximately 50 genera with 2500-3000 species. Mainly found in tropical to subtropical regions. Lauraceae plants are characteristic of tropical rainforests and are important components of mountain forests. They can grow in well-drained soils, marshes, or along riverbanks.