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Annonaceae Essential Oil

Trees, shrubs, or woody climbers and wood has typically aromatic.

Morphological Characteristics:

Leaves: Simple, opposite or alternate, entire margins, pinnate venation, petiolate, without stipules.

Flowers: Usually bisexual, occasionally unisexual, radially symmetrical, green, yellow, yellow-white, or red, solitary or in small clusters.

Fruits: Typically indehiscent (not splitting open), occasionally septicidal (splitting along septa), with or without a stalk (pedicel).

Seeds usually covered by a false seed coat (sarcotesta), abundant fleshy endosperm, and tiny embryo.


The Annonaceae family is primarily found in tropical plant regions. These plants thrive in warm and humid forest environments. Most members of this family are tall woody plants and are commonly found in the upper canopy of tropical rainforests.


Annonaceae plants are widespread in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, with a particular abundance in the Eastern Hemisphere.

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